Dawn On the Issues… A Proven Conservative Leader
Fighting the Disastrous Biden Agenda
Dawn knows that the agenda being pursued by the Biden Administration in D.C. is disastrous for Tennesseans. She will continue to fight federal government overreach, and she will continue to push back at the state level against the liberal policies of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
Tough on Violent Criminals
Dawn has consistently stood in support of our local and state law enforcement in helping them fight back against crime. She proudly supported Truth in Sentencing legislation to ensure that violent criminals must serve 100% of their full sentence without the possibility of parole or early release.
Dawn believes we need to put an immediate end to illegal immigration. She cast the deciding vote to prevent passage of the bill that would have granted taxpayer subsidized tuition to illegal immigrants. Dawn also stood firm against Nashville's proposed sanctuary city ordinance, and sponsored legislation to strengthen Tennessee's existing anti-sanctuary city laws and to hold local officials accountable if they violate those laws. She will continue to stand firm against granting in-state tuition to illegal immigrants and will continue to fight against attempts to create sanctuary cities in Tennessee.
Reducing Spending and Lowering Taxes
As a lifelong conservative Republican, Dawn White is for smaller, smarter government. “In this economy, we have all had to learn to ‘do more with less’. Government should be no different. To do that, we have to reduce waste and improve efficiency in our government.”
Dawn has voted to reduce state spending and to lower the sales tax on food. In 2016, she co-sponsored legislation that repealed the Hall Income Tax.
Conservative Values
Dawn White is 100% Pro-Life, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-Religious Liberty, and Pro-Traditional Marriage. She has an "A" rating from the NRA.
Dawn believes in the sanctity of life and has fought to make sure abortion providers aren't able to receive one cent of taxpayer money. In fact, she co-sponsored legislation to completely defund Planned Parenthood in the State of Tennessee, once and for all!Reforming and Improving our Education System
Dawn White is a former teacher in the Murfreesboro City School System, and she understands the issues our students and teachers face every day. In the legislature, Dawn has voted to empower parents, improve our schools and support teachers. Dawn believes that educational standards should be set by Tennesseans, not forced on us by the federal government. She is opposed to Common Core. As a conservative, she supports giving parents more choice in the education of their children and giving teachers the flexibility to address each student’s individual needs.
As a former small business owner, Dawn White knows that government does not create jobs; businesses do. She will continue to work to help make Tennessee the most business-friendly state in the country.
“Government can make conditions more difficult for businesses to grow, especially for small business owners who lack the resources to navigate complex regulations. When I first started out in business, I was shocked by the hoops I had to jump through just to hire people. The red tape was ridiculous! In order to improve our economy and create jobs, we need to continue to eliminate or scale back excessive regulations.”
Dawn White will continue to work to reform our state’s tax code and to lower our tax burden. She has voted to lower taxes and to repeal the Hall Income Tax, and has supported tax relief for seniors and veterans. “I am against a state income tax in any form. I will continue to work to further reduce the sales tax on food.”
Tort Reform
Dawn White will continue the fight against lawsuit abuse in Tennessee. She favors establishing a constitutional amendment to ensure Tennessee’s caps on punitive and non-economic damages are part of our tort law. "Abusive lawsuits and legal claims take a huge toll on business. I'll continue to fight to put common sense back into our legal system."
Supporting President Trump
Dawn proudly voted for and supports President Donald J. Trump. Like President Trump, Dawn was a successful business owner before entering public service. She is not a career politician. She supports President Trump's agenda in Tennessee and fully supports his plans to Make America Great Again. In fact, she introduced and passed a resolution calling on Congress to immediately fund President Trump's border wall.
Returning Legislative Per Diem Payments
Since she was first elected as State Representative, Dawn has returned all of her legislative per diem to the taxpayers of Tennessee. She is not a career politician and, as a conservative, doesn't think it is right for her to receive money for travel and meal expenses to commute to Nashville. She has supported reforms to the per diem system for legislators who live within 50 miles of the Capitol. As State Senator, Dawn has continued her practice of returning all per diem payments to the State of Tennessee.