White Supports Full Repeal of Hall Income Tax
White Supports Full Repeal of Hall Income Tax
Murfreesboro, TN -- May 10, 2012 -- Dawn White, candidate in the Republican primary for the Tennessee House of Representatives in the new 37th District, announced today that she supports the full repeal and elimination of the Hall Income Tax in order to help improve Tennessee’s economy and create an environment that is more conducive to job creation.
“One thing we can do to improve our economy and create jobs in Tennessee is to re-examine our state’s tax code. I am encouraged by the fact that our governor and legislature have recently adopted a plan to phase out and eliminate Tennessee’s death and gift taxes. These taxes resulted in business owners and job creators leaving our state or never coming here in the first place. The Hall Income Tax is another similar tax that needs to be abolished if we want to make Tennessee the best possible environment for new businesses to locate and for existing businesses to thrive,” she said.
“The fact that Tennessee doesn’t have a general state income tax is a huge benefit from an economic development perspective. However, a lot of people are surprised to learn that Tennessee actually does have an individual income tax known as the Hall Income Tax, which taxes interest and dividend income from investments such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. The Hall Income Tax unfairly targets seniors, business owners and investors and, without a doubt, hampers our ability to compete with other states for jobs. I am opposed to a state income tax in any form, and as state representative, will work to eliminate the Hall Income Tax so that Tennessee truly is income tax-free,” she said.
Dawn White owns a small business in Smyrna and is a former teacher in the Murfreesboro City School System. A lifelong resident of Rutherford County, she earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees in education from MTSU.
White has been actively involved with numerous charitable and community organizations throughout Rutherford County. She and her husband Chad live in Murfreesboro and are active members of LifePoint Church in Smyrna.