White Responds to Obamacare Ruling, Predicts Chilling Effect on Business
Today's Supreme Court decision is disappointing. Common Sense Conservatives know that Barack Obama’s federal government has crept into yet another area of our lives, uninvited and unwelcome. In light of this decision, our only option at this point is to elect a new president and members of Congress who are committed to repealing Obamacare.
We do not yet know the full economic impact this will have on our state. Government can make conditions more difficult for businesses to grow, especially for small business owners who lack the resources to navigate complex regulations such as those under Obamacare.
When I first started out in business, I was shocked by the hoops I had to jump through just to hire people. As a small business owner, I know that Obamacare will have a chilling effect on job creators across the country, and will prevent many small businesses from growing and expanding as they otherwise could.
I want smaller, smarter government, not a “nanny state”. My opponent has admitted that he voted for and supported Barack Obama; I wonder if this was the change he had hoped for.
I saw right through Barack Obama's promises of "hope and change"; I knew he would do his best to force his radical, liberal agenda on our country. This is exactly why it is important to elect leaders who have proven track records as conservatives.
I am a lifelong Conservative Republican, and I will not fall for smooth rhetoric and catch phrases. Instead, I will make decisions based upon common sense and conservative principles. I would appreciate your support and your vote. ~ Dawn White