State Rep. Dawn White Announces Candidacy for State Senate
State Representative Dawn White Announces Candidacy for State Senate
Murfreesboro, Tennessee (July 2, 2017) – State Representative Dawn White announced today that she will be a candidate for the District 13 State Senate seat in the August 2018 Republican Primary. The District 13 seat covers the western half of Rutherford County, including portions of the City of Murfreesboro, the Town of Smyrna, the City of La Vergne, the City of Eagleville and the Rockvale, Blackman, Walter Hill, and Leanna communities.
“I believe that it is extremely important to ensure that our next state senator is a proven conservative leader who has a record of standing up for hardworking Tennessee families,” said White. “As State Representative, I’ve fought for lower taxes and for smaller, smarter government, and I’ve proudly stood up against an out-of-control federal government. If I have the honor of serving as Rutherford County’s next state senator, I will continue to fight for our shared conservative values at the state level.”
Rep. White has the highest lifetime conservative rating from the American Conservative Union of any member of the Rutherford County legislative delegation. A strong supporter of the Second Amendment, she has an A Rating from the National Rifle Association.
During the 2017 legislative session, Rep. White cast the deciding vote to prevent passage of the proposed bill which would have granted in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. In opposing the bill, she argued that passage of the measure would make Tennessee a magnet for illegal immigrants. “Right is right and wrong is wrong and we simply shouldn’t pass this burden on to Tennessee taxpayers,” said Rep. White. Last month, she joined with other House colleagues in objecting to the proposed sanctuary city ordinance being considered by Nashville/Davidson County. The proposed ordinance was withdrawn by its sponsor last week.
Rep. White also recently stood with other House conservative leaders to fight passage of the gas tax increase that went into effect this month. “As a conservative, I simply could not support a plan that raises taxes, particularly at a time when we have such a large surplus in our state budget,” stated White. “I will continue to fight for smaller government and against raising the tax burden on Tennessee families.”
During the 109th General Assembly, Rep. White sponsored and passed legislation with State Senator Mark Green to provide the state’s first sustainable support for the establishment and maintenance of Tennessee’s Veterans Treatment Court programs. The legislation was the first of its kind in the nation. She also co-sponsored the legislation that repealed the state’s Hall Income Tax.
Rep. White is a former small business owner and teacher. The daughter of Dwight and Gloria Jean Throneberry, Dawn grew up in Eagleville and graduated from Riverdale High School in Murfreesboro. After graduating from MTSU, she served as an educator in the Murfreesboro City School system. In 2005, Dawn became an owner of an e-commerce business. Her office and warehouse space were located in Smyrna until the business was sold in 2015. She and her husband, Chad, currently live in Murfreesboro and are active members of LifePoint Church in Smyrna.
Rep. White currently serves as State Representative for House District 37, which includes portions of Murfreesboro, Smyrna, La Vergne, Walter Hill and Leanna. She is a member of the House Business and Utilities and Education Administration and Planning Committees. She was elected by her colleagues to serve as the Caucus Secretary and Caucus Treasurer of the House Republican Caucus for the 110th General Assembly.